How Play and Coping Skills are Connected
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How Play and Coping Skills are Connected
As you may know, I run two websites - Encourage Play and Coping Skills for Kids. Although at first glance it doesn’t seem like these two are connected, they are - by PLAY!
Some of the things I talk about during this podcast:
Play is an integral part of childhood, and of being human. All of us need to play!
Play (doing something for pure enjoyment) is also a natural way for children and adults to relieve stress.
Two ideas for how parents can encourage play at home - careful scheduling and providing open ended toys like:
LEGO ® blocks
Marble Runs
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Not sure where to begin?
I have a whole deck of play ideas that kids can use when they are stressed out to help them take a break:
The Coping Cue Cards Distraction Deck!

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