Can Video Games Help Families Connect?
On this episode of the podcast, I share a bit about my experiences growing up playing video games with my siblings, continuing to play as an adult, and now as a parent. Digital play is a part of our day to day lives - it has been acknowledged as a type of play. There are social skills you get a chance to practice when you play certain games, including working together, practicing conversations, and even executive functioning skills.
Why Coloring is Awesome!
Two Ways to Turn Negative Self-Talk into Positive Self-Talk
This podcast episode is all about turning negative self-talk into positive self-talk. I discuss two of my go-to strategies when working with clients to help manage the negative things they say to themselves. When we let those negative thoughts fester, it can impact how we see ourselves and interact with the world.
Four Games I Love that Work on Social Skills
How to Use the Feelings Thermometer
Creativity & Imaginative Play
I've been doing a lot of reading and watching about creativity and imagination recently. I watched Sir Ken Robinson's ted talk about creativity and schools. He identifies creativity as an essential skill for children. He said that "creativity is as important now in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status."