A Delicious Way to Practice Mindfulness


Did you know that mindfulness practice can shrink the amygdala which is the part of the brain that is responsible for fight, flight or freeze? While I know the benefits of mindfulness, I sometimes struggle to actually practice it. But several years ago, I was able to finally start on my mindfulness journey - by using food!

This can be done with any type of food but I particularly love using berries or chocolate. Take a listen to learn how to use this technique…

The topics I cover in this episode are:

  • How mindfulness with food can help

  • I run through an exercise with you from ‘The Coping Skills for Kids Workbook’ on mindful eating

  • How I used this strategy during lockdown to help my clients

Please keep in mind that clients may have food allergies or sensitivities so I encourage you to check with families before you do this activity.

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Research I mentioned in this episode

Taren, A. A., Gianaros, P. J., Greco, C. M., Lindsay, E. K., Fairgrieve, A., Brown, K. W., … Creswell, J. D. (2015). Mindfulness meditation training alters stress-related amygdala resting state functional connectivity: a randomized controlled trial. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(12), 1758–1768. http://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsv066

And remember, do not forget about yourself, take a few minutes for you and have a little fun!

© Encourage Play, LLC / Coping Skills for Kids 2021