When you label your feelings, it can help you regulate your emotions better. How do you explore feelings with your child in a fun way? One of the ways to explore this with your child is via reading a story. So why not head to your local library and check out one of the following feeling focused books:
The Color Monster
Big Feelings
Lizzy’s Ups and Downs
Other strategies which are discussed include:
Make your own book with your own child together; using the framework, “A time I was sad, a time I was happy, a time I was mad, etc.”
Draw together and make pictures using just 1 color at a weekend, on vacation or in a small group
How to pull all the strategies together in one activity: Read The Color Monster, Make Your Own Book, Focus on One Color
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Other podcast episodes that are related to feelings:
Three Playful Ways to Explore Feelings with kids
Feelings Check in Ideas at Home and School
Six Books about Feelings for Kids
How to Explore Feelings with Kids Who Won’t Talk
How to Use the Feelings Thermometer
And remember, do not forget about yourself, take a few minutes for you and have a little fun!