
Sensational Sensory Strategies with Dr. Varleisha

Have you ever considered the neuroscience behind how we self-regulate our emotions? How do these two work together? Some children may respond in fight or flight mode in some situations. But how does your child’s body and emotions respond and why in these specific moments?  What pathways are connecting in your child’s brain to cause certain reactions? Knowing your child and techniques to keep them calm can help moments like this - it’s more than just a behavior, but thinking about the child as a whole. The topics we cover in this episode are:

Sensory Based Strategies for Kids: An Interview with Claire Heffron from The Inspired Treehouse

Sensory Based Strategies for Kids: An Interview with Claire Heffron from The Inspired Treehouse

Does your child like to move and fidget a lot? Maybe lay upside down or spin around in circles? This isn’t just a random act of silliness or hyperactivity, they are likely gaining sensory input! In this episode, my guest Claire and I discuss proprioception, which is your body's ability to sense movement, action, and location. It's present in every muscle movement you have. Without proprioception, you wouldn't be able to move without thinking about your next step. We also discuss the vestibular system which functions to detect the position and movement of our head in space. This allows for the coordination of eye movements, posture, and equilibrium.

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Coping Skills for Adults: Sensory Strategies

Coping Skills for Adults: Sensory Strategies

This episode is the next installment of ‘Coping skills for adults’ and I wanted to explore some sensory strategies we can use to cope, de-stress, and relax throughout our days. We’re all busy people so if we can take these mini relaxation moments to de-stress then it won’t feel like another item to add to the to-do list, you can do it while you’re at the supermarket or working at your desk.

© Encourage Play, LLC / Coping Skills for Kids 2021