In this week’s episode I talk to child and adolescent psychotherapist, Katie Hurley about her brand new book ‘The stress buster workbook for kids’ which I have absolutely loved reading and learning from. Stress and anxiety isn’t something just adults experience, children do too, so the earlier we can educate them on useful coping skills and techniques, the better! In this episode we discuss the following;
Practicing Problem Solving Using Creative Prompts
In this episode, I discuss some ways you can practice problem solving using creative prompts. As we all know, social skills are key to interacting well with others - skills such as listening, working together, being kind, watching your own personal space versus others personal space and taking turns. They all need to be learned in childhood to have a successful and fulfilling adult life…
The Benefits of Social & Emotional Learning - An interview with Marcelle Waldman
In this week’s episode I talk to educator, parent and founder of FeelLinks; Marcelle Waldman. FeelLinks is a hands-on resource for kids that has plush emotion dolls and a journal. We had such a great conversation about how we can support social and emotional learning at home, through listening to what our kids are saying. The topics we cover are:
What I can control vs. what I can't control
Changing Lives Through Singing and Songwriting - An interview with Sophie Garner
Music is so amazing! There’s a good chance you’ve experienced music changing your mood from being grumpy to feeling full of life. Listening to music has a range of benefits but on this episode, my guest Sophie Garner taught me how creating music can be therapy too. In this episode we cover a range of topics such as;
The Power of Recess and Movement
This week’s episode is all about recess and movement. I want to discuss the helpful strategies you can use when your child is feeling big emotions and they have lots of energy in their bodies. We don’t value the power of movement enough in my opinion, it’s so vital to improving focus, social skills and cognition. Today I talk about two pieces of research:
Imperfect Parenting - An interview with Nicole Schwarz, LMFT and Parent Coach
Have you ever spotted an Instagram post of smiling parents who are having the most perfect life with their child and then felt shame and guilt that you aren’t nearly as perfect as them? Well you’re definitely not alone on that one! Today’s episode is all about us… the parents. I discussed with my guest, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Parent Coach; Nicole Schwarz about what happens around the shame spiral and how we can talk to ourselves in a kinder way to be more content with being an imperfect parent. We always need to remember that real life is messy, it's not great all the time, sometimes we mess up and guess what?… That’s okay!
Take some time for yourself, embrace those imperfections and take a listen to this episode.
Helping Kids Identify Feelings In Their Body
Strategies to Tackle OCD - An Interview with Natasha Daniels, Child Therapist
On today’s podcast, I get a chance to speak with Natasha Daniels, the founder of AT Parenting Community, about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Natasha’s expertise is anxiety and OCD, and we discuss what OCD can look like, when you should seek out more support, and different strategies that you should use when dealing with OCD.
Managing Anxiety and Worry - An Interview with Dr. Dawn Huebner
Anxiety is not a bad emotion, it is one that we need to keep ourselves safe in the world. But sometimes anxiety can become overwhelming to the point that it affects the daily life of the adult or child - this is the type of worry we need to work on. What better way to learn about this than with the fantastic parent coach and psychologist Dr. Dawn Huebner who teaches us how to help kids deal with worry and anxiety.