How to Make a Calm Down Kit at Oriental Trading

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How to Make a Calm Down Kit at Oriental Trading


A coping skills toolbox is an actual physical container that houses items kids can use to help calm down and express their emotions in healthy ways. There are a ton of strategies your child can use to calm down, and having a toolbox is one way to keep several of these tools readily available to use.

Where can you get these items to help create a coping skills toolbox or a calm down kit? A lovely listener requested that I do a podcast episode on Oriental Trading, so I took a peek around the website for awesome items to go in a calm down kit. Listen to what I found!


Jacob’s Ladder YouTube Video

How to Create a Coping Skills Toolkit -

Episode 23 of the Calm and Connected Podcast

How to Make a Calm Down Kit at Target

Episode 41 of the Calm and Connected Podcast

How to Make a Calm Down Kit at Michael’s

Episode 44 of the Calm & Connected Podcast

Visit to see the recommended products

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© Encourage Play, LLC / Coping Skills for Kids 2021